Isale sawaab
Isale sawaab

In another Hadith, Rasullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) mention that construction of a musjid will accrue reward for a person even after his death. “When man dies, his actions come to an end except three, the rewards of which keep accruing even after his death, (they are) Sadaqa (charity) that have recurring benefits, knowledge from which people continue to benefit, pious children who offer du’a on behalf of their deceased parents”(Sahih Muslim, vol 2, pg 41, Kutub Khana Rasheediyya) Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) mention: From the Ahadith, we understand that any Sadaqa that has recurring benefits will accrue rewards during one’s lifetime as well as after death. Construction of a musjid is a Sadaqa (charity) that has recurring rewards. There is no doubt that construction of a musjid will accrue rewards for person during his lifetime as well as after his death. What can be greater than promoting the construction of the “Houses of Allah Ta’ala (the masaajid)”? Amongst the concerns of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) upon his arrival in Madina Munawwarah was the construction of a Musjid. We make du’a to Allah Ta’ala that he accepts your efforts and assist you in your mission, Ameen.

isale sawaab

Indeed this is a great service to Islam and the Muslims at large.

isale sawaab

It is encouraging to note that members of your family including yourself have taken the responsibility to establish Masaajid and other Islamic related projects. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most MercifulĪssalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh You comments or those of someone who can quote authenticated hadiths with some authority or can put forward his view point in favour of the project will be appreciated! How do I justify encouraging or appealling to the family to contribute to build a mosque or a well or to educate children for the benefit of their deceased parents? My Niyat is clean and Allah knows best. Have I picked up the right hadith … is there something else which is authenticated I could quote in support of the cause. I cannot see clearly where it says that the children have to spend in the path of Allah in the name of their parent on a cause the returns for which keep accruing for the benefit of the deceased parent. Having also read the explanations to the Hadith it seems to make reference to a living person spending and acquiring deeni knowledge when he alive or his virtuous children making duas for him after his death to benefit on an ongoing basis after his death. Virtuous children who offer duas for their deceased parents.Knowledge from which people continue to benefit.

isale sawaab

Rasulullah SAW has said that the returns for a person’s virtues come to an end when he dies but there are three such things, the returns for which keep accruing even after death: Please look at the hadith below which I picked up from Faza’il E Sadaqaat and intended to quote to the family.

isale sawaab

“When a person is dead that is it ! You cannot do anything for him … his amaal naama is closed!” I am a true believer of Isaal-e-Thawaab projects but will meet resistance from some quarters in the family who will say. I have in the past built a mosque for my deceased parents and now, with my wife and her brother and sisters we will Insha Allah build a mosque with the niyat that my mother and father in law will benefit as Isaal e Thawaab. My Niyyat is one purely for benefit our deceased family members and ourselves.

Isale sawaab